Configure & Customize Portals
Updated over a week ago

The Portal is the webpage your potential and confirmed speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors will have access to once they have completed a submission/intake form. Within the Portal, portal users will be able to complete tasks, submit files, view documents, and view wiki pages.

Step One: Create Portals

The first step to begin setting up your portals is creating any portals that you may need.

By default, you will have access to a Default Portal (i.e. Default People Portal, Default Exhibitor Portal, Default Sponsor Portal). This is a 'catch-all' for users that do not match the filters set for any custom portals you may create. The default portal includes all event contacts (i.e. speakers (accepted, pending, and declined), moderators, chairpersons, sponsor contacts, exhibitor contacts).

Admins are welcome to use the default portal if all the speakers will have the same tasks that they will need to complete. To filter this portal so that tasks are only showing to accepted speakers, toggle off Always Show Tasks (see Step Two).

Step Two: Customize Portals

Next, it is time to customize your portal.

  1. Customize Appearance

    1. You can customize the portal setting by navigating to either the 'Portals' module. Select the three ellipse dots for the portal you want to customize and click 'Edit'.

    2. On the next page, select the blue 'Save & Customize' button in the top right-hand corner to take you to further configure your portal.

    3. Within the box "Customize Appearance", click the "Edit" button next to "Appearance Settings"

    4. You can update the Portal title, description, and background image within the settings.

    This is how the settings will show within the portal.


  2. Configure Portal Settings

πŸ”Ž View more information on Weekly Digest Emails and Email Notifications.

Step Three: Create Tasks & Resources

Below, are additional resources on creating tasks and resources that you can assign to your portal(s).

Step Four: Share Portal

Now that your portal is created and configured, it is time to share it with your portal users.

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