Whether you need to share the portal link with a new event contact or someone has emailed you needing a refresher on the link to access the event portal, sending this link is quick and easy.
This specific link will be formatted as follows.
Contacts who complete a session submission form (speakers) or an intake form (speakers/exhibitors) will automatically be granted access to the portal. However, sometimes, event admins may have to add contacts to their event either manually or by importing.
You can invite your contacts (speakers, exhibitors, sponsors) to access your event portal in one of two ways:
Share Portal Link
Within the Portals module, select the three ellipse dots to the right of the portal you would like to assign the form to and select Copy Link.
📣 Fun Fact: Every portal has the same link.
You can share this link with any contacts (speakers, sponsors, or exhibitors) within an email (TIP: Create and send the email through Sessionboard).
From there, contacts can log into their portal to complete tasks and view important event information (TIP: Share our article on "How to access my portal?" with your contacts to assist them).
Send An Email From Sessionboard
In the Contacts, Sponsor, Exhibitor, or Speaker modules, please select the contact(s) to whom you'd like to send a portal invite.
Select “More” at the top of the page and then “Manage Portal Access”. A pop-up will open.
From the pop-up window, select the “Continue” button and determine if you would rather send the portal invite as an email or copy the invitation link and share it with the contact personally. Emails from Sessionboard will be sent from [email protected].
Example Email
Subject Line: You've been invited to the <Event Name> portal