As an Evaluator, you will be able to review submissions and rate them based on the session and speaker details. If allowed by the event admin, Evaluators will also be able to provide additional written feedback.
As an Evaluator, you will receive an email from "[email protected]" granting you access to start evaluating sessions. Within the email, click the button "View Event".
Example Email
Once logged in to Sessionboard, you will see a list of evaluation plans that have been assigned to you. Select "Get Started" to the right of the evaluation plan you would like to begin with.
Within each evaluation plan, you will be able to see session and speaker information (unless the event admin has enabled blind review to not disclose speaker information) to complete the below tasks.
Review the instructions provided by the event admin.
Rate each session based on the criteria that they meet (selections will auto-save).
Provide additional comments that will be seen by the event admin (if enabled).
(If Applicable) Abstain from grading if a submission is a conflict of interest.
Once you are complete, make sure to press the blue "Save & Next" button at the bottom of the page.
As you review each session, your progress meter will increase until you have reached 100%.
Make sure to complete your full evaluation plan before the close date.
TIP: To move between sessions you can either use the 'Save & Next' button OR select the session from the list on the left-hand side of your screen.