Grip is the leading AI-powered event networking solution for Virtual, Hybrid, and In-person events.
Sessionboard users can connect their events with Grip and sync session and speaker data from Sessionboard to Grip. This one-way integration is a user-friendly process that facilitates data transfer to Grip once users have approved and scheduled their sessions in Sessionboard.
Connect Integration
Integrations are connected on the organization level in Sessionboard.
After logging in, click “Go to org” to access your event's organization.
Select the 'Settings' module to locate 'Integrations'.
There, you can connect new or manage existing integrations. To connect a new integration, click the “Connect” button below the integration.
For Grip, enter the API token associated with your event.
Map Events
❗Within your Sessionboard organization, only one API Token can be utilized. If you would like to map more than one event from Sessionboard into Grip, please ensure that every event in Grip is associated with the same API Token.
Once the integration is connected, a window will appear prompting you to map your Grip containers with Sessionboard events. Select the Grip container from the dropdown list, then choose the Sessionboard event in the right-hand dropdown.
Click “Add Mapping” to complete the mapping process.
❗If the speakers that are within your Sessionboard event already exist in Grip, click the checkbox "Update contacts that already exist in Grip".
💡 Helpful Tip
Enable continuous sync to create/update records on a regular interval (approx. 30 minutes) so that admins don't have to force sync them. The admin can still manually push a sync if they want to update between the sync intervals.
Syncing Sessions and Speakers
Before syncing your event, please review the following important notes:
Sessions and/or speakers will not be removed from Grip if speaker and/or session statuses are changed in Sessionboard. Admins will have to manually delete the session/speaker record in Grip.
The thing types of Speaker and Attendee will need to have been created within Grip.
Speakers that are pre-existing in Grip will be updated as long as they have a Speaker or Attendee type.
Only accepted sessions, and their associated speakers, will sync to Grip.
Sessions must have a date, time, track and location to be synced.
Speakers in your database must have a unique email address to sync to Grip. Check your data closely for duplicates before syncing.
Verify that the timezone in both Sessionboard and Grip matches your event. To do this in Sessionboard, go to Settings > Details.
Synced Fields
Sessionboard will endeavor to sync as much data between systems as possible. It is important to use system fields when possible to collect information about your sessions and speakers to ensure they will be successfully matched.
Below is a list of standard fields that will be synced. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
Title *
Starts At datetime *
Ends At datetime *
Sessions that span multiple dates are not supported in Grip and will be synced as the same calendar day
Sessions that have passed will not sync.
Field names can not be edited once you have begun syncing to a partner system. To edit a field name, we recommend creating a new field name and associating it with the session before re-syncing.
Location (Room)*
Field names can not be edited once you have begun syncing to a partner system. To edit a field name, we recommend creating a new field name and associating it with the session before re-syncing.
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Job Title
Company Name
Mobile Phone
How To Process A Sync
Go to Sessions - Agenda.
Reminder: Only "Accepted" sessions and their associated "Accepted" speakers will be synced.
Under Options, click “Sync to Grip”
A message will flash at the bottom of the screen confirming that the sync has started.
When the sync is complete, another message will flash confirming that data has been synced.
If there is an issue, a message will appear verifying the number of sessions and speakers that were attempted to sync and that were successfully synced. Please check that your sessions have all the required fields and contact [email protected] if you need additional assistance.
Resync Behavior
Currently, syncing is a one-step process. There is no ability to sync individual sessions or speakers.
On resync, new sessions and speakers that have been added to the agenda in Sessionboard will be sent to Grip. Any updates that are made to previously synced fields (such as correcting a speaker’s title or changing a session time) will also be applied.
Disconnect Integration
To disconnect from the integration, go to Organization -> Integrations
Locate your connected integration and click the three-dot icon beside Settings
Click “Disconnect Integration.”
Confirm that you are sure before deleting the integration.
Once the integration is disconnected, you can reconnect using a separate API token, or reuse the same credentials.
Disconnecting the integration will disconnect all mapped events. Previously-synced sessions will not be able to be resynced even if you remap the same events. The integration should only be disconnected if you intend to sync to a new organization.
Remove Mapped Event
To remove event mappings, go to Organization -> Integrations and click Settings underneath the integration partner you are utilizing.
This will open the mapping window. A list of existing mappings will be displayed. Click “Remove Mapping” to disconnect specific mapped events.
❗ Removing a mapping will not disconnect the integration. Other mapped events will continue to sync on request.
Integration Support
If you are experiencing problems with syncing (i.e. error messages or data not appearing in Grip), email [email protected] with the following information:
Event Name
Session name(s)
fields not appearing
Speaker name(s)
fields not appearing
Image of any errors received when syncing (if applicable)
Example Email