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Converting a Session to a Subsession
Updated over a week ago

With subsessions, you have the ability to convert a pre-existing parent session into a subsession for another pre-existing parent session.

To learn more about subsessions, view Creating a Subsession for an Event in Sessionboard.

  1. Navigate to the Sessions module and determine the parent session that you would like to link another session to as a subsession.

  2. Select the pencil to the left of the parent session to open the editing window and navigate to the "Subsessions" page.

  3. Select the button "Convert sessions to subsessions".

  4. From the list of existing parent sessions, select the session(s) that you would like to convert to a subsession. Once complete, click the button "Confirm" at the bottom of the pop-up window.

  5. From there, you will be given taken to a confirmation page to review the parent session and subsession(s) selected. If all information is correct, click "Save" at the bottom of the window.

    1. NOTE: Since subsessions must take place within the same date AND time as the parent session, the selected subsession(s) will take on the same date and time as the parent session when you click the "Save" button. You are able to adjust the time (still falling within the timeframe of the parent session) once the information has been saved.

Need to revert a subsession back to a parent session? View Reverting A Subsession Back To A Parent Session.

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